First Public Oracle On Tron Blockchain To Release In Q1 2021

Bridge Oracle, a Tron-based public oracle aiming to play a similar role to Chainlink on Ethereum, announced the launch of its mainnet on Thursday through email. Touted as the first-ever public oracle project on Tron’s blockchain, Bridge Oracle will allow users to deploy real-world DApps on Tron through its oracle system.

“The mainnet launch will allow you to deploy real-world connected DApps using Bridge Oracle on the Tron network,” a spokesperson from Bridge Oracle stated. “It’s about time you start to prep up by creating your DApps on Shasta and Nile test nets. We will soon be coming up with more updates.”

Smart contracts embedded in blockchains pave the way to create DApps, DAOs, and other cool stuff on a blockchain. However, most of these smart contracts cannot interact with off-chain data hence the need for oracles. Oracles are becoming a key ingredient in the cryptocurrency ecosystem – the rise of Chainlink’s role in decentralized finance (DeFi) being a key example of why there’s a need to connect blockchains to real-world data.

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