Alonzo is done: Cardano (ADA) to tease big partnerships in the pipeline

Developers Input Output Global (IOG) rolled out Alonzo late Sunday evening, enabling smart contract functionality on Cardano for the first time.

Naysayers had expressed doubt on whether that would happen at all, let alone happen on time. Nonetheless, with this major milestone under the belt, attention turns to the Cardano ecosystem and how it will fill out in the coming months.

On that, Sidney Vollmer, the Head of Brand and Comms at the Cardano Foundation, sent out a tweet, teasing the community with what’s to come.

Vollmer said all will be revealed at the up-and-coming Cardano Summit. Adding, with confidence, that it “will blow people’s mind.”

Don’t really want to brag or anything but…

some of the partnerships we’re announcing at the #CardanoSummit will blow people’s mind. Really grateful for the chances we at@CardanoStiftunghave to change the world for the better, and have fun together.

Tune in.”

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